Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Diologue with Sean about "אור"

The following is a slightly edited discussion with Sean.

Hi Rabbi Sacks,
This is Sean O'Neill.
Lately I've had a question on my mind that concerns something that I won't need to think much about for a few years. I just can't understand how to work it out, though, and it's nagging at me.

Here's the question:
How does one raise a child with both true ideas - like Torah mi'Sinai - and the ability to think independently - that is, to be able to evaluate and, if necessary, cast away ideas objectively? To me, the two seem to conflict. Thanks for reading, Rabbi. Have a good week.

גל עיני ואביטה נפלאות מתורתך: תהלים קיט, יח

119:18 Open my eyes, that I may observe the wonders of your law.


Interesting question Sean. Isn't this a question about any education though, rather than being specific only to education in the art of living?


I think you're right. That definitely seems to be the case. Is the question then how does one help build another's ability to objectively evaluate ideas and think independently and simultaneously give the person ideas?


Lets put on our "farmer" hats shall we? It is more like growing a plant. The seed has the natural power to grow in the right environment, the gardener must make sure to expose the seed to the best environment possible (earth, water and of course above all sun).


I'm going to put my farmer hat on and chew on a wheat stem while I think about that analogy for a little bit.


Don't forget to picture yourself in your fathers ecosystem world, where rain and snow, weather and crops are all interconnected.


Yehuda said...

Where's the vineyard???

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said...

This was for Sean, Kohen. Should Natan ha-Navi have given David a mashal about the vineyard as well?

For you,the priestly vintner, I would have used the mashal of a vineyard

Yehuda said...

I know.