Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Korach redo #2- the psyche's defenses

The psyche's defense of the belief in its own ultimate value is so fundamental, it presents itself in a myriad of cunning guises, each ideally suited to a particular developmental stage of man. This process of distortion, first described in the case of Chava, is amplified by Kohelet and Mishlei. Koheles describes the core principle by which the psyche defends its ultimate value (vanity attained through futile labor under the sun) and Mishlei works out the myriad of developmental forms the distortion can take. Each developmental stage has its own specific vulnerability to the distortion or “prostitution” of the soul called for by the psyche. Koheles points out the futility in attempting to impose an artificial order on the cycles of nature to prove one's vanity. Generation after generation of leaders will instill “hope” in man's ability to to produce “change”, but will fail.

1:1 The statements of Koheles, the son of David, king in Jerusalem:

1:2 “Vanity of vanities,” says Koheles; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” 1:3 What does man gain from all his labor in which he labors under the sun? 1:4 One generation goes, and another generation comes; but the earth remains forever. 1:5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, and hurries to its place where it rises. 1:6 The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north. It turns around continually as it goes, and the wind returns again to its courses. 1:7 All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, there they flow again. 1:8 All things are full of weariness beyond uttering. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. 1:9 That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 1:10 Is there a thing of which it may be said, “Behold, this is new?” It has been long ago, in the ages which were before us. 1:11 There is no memory of the former; neither shall there be any memory of the latter that are to come, among those that shall come after.

The difference between the Western variety of fantasy, versus the Jewish one in the desert, lies in the developmental stage that fell prey to the same mechanism of distortion. The Western variety of immaturity lies in seeking material success in the economy and defense. As such it is vulnerable to sophistry of an Obama who promises easy ways out of what are, in reality, necessary natural cycles of economy and foreign affairs. This mentality is identified in the Torah as Egyptian, the "Deal" between Pharoah and the people. Pharoah, based upon his dreams, releases the people from cycles of famine. The people serve Pharoah as a deity.

The Jews of course began with this stage as well. They too were preoccupied with escaping the cycles of insecurity in the material goods. Post Torah however, another concern loomed large in their minds- position in the community of mind. In this the Jews were more similar to an academic community than a mass politics. In an academic community the allure of the psyche centers around accomplishment in "discovery". The goods are not food and security- but attainment and recognition- paradigms, papers, Nobel prizes and above all-
appointments. It is here we can understand the allure of Korach. Kedusha is critical to attainment in a community of mind. Only the mature detached or objective person can render intelligent judgement in any field. This recognition of maturity of detachment is identified and measured by appointment to significant office such as Sanhedrin or Kehuna. As such the appointment of Korach or someone else was very significant to the Sanhedrin and people generally. If Moshe did not recognize the detached judgment of the people in his appointments, what would happen to accomplishment? It is in this context that we must analyze Korach's theatrical arguments to the people.


Anonymous said...

I'm seeing a connection between the two types of fantasy described here. In both cases, man tries to deal with his insecurity and fear of weakness and vulnerability by elevating/ putting faith in the greatness of Man.

We have difficulty accepting our place in the universe as beings without inherent existence. Rather than come to terms with our true limits, we tend to fall prey to the fantasy vision purported by our leaders, as they reassure us that our existance does have inherent value and necessity; they make promises and guarantees of our material well-being as well as our intellectual recognition.

Rabbi Joshua Maroof said...

I take it you are not a fan of Obama.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said...


I very much agree.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said...

R. Maroof

I think Obama is a particularly dangerous phoney- yes.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said...


What I meant to say was that the need for ultimate value is the common thread underlying all levels of development. This ultimate value means that the good must be easy to attain. Each level of development will have its own method of defending its chosen "good" from the reality that the cycles of material reality make goods difficult to attain.

Did you read my post this way?

Rabbi Joshua Maroof said...

I am impressed with Obama's ability to garner so much support with such a vague message, riding on charisma without even the meager amount of substance politicians routinely feel obligated to incorporate into their platforms.

Why do you think he is especially dangerous?

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks said...

R. Maroof

I see Obama as particularly dangerous, precisely because of his charisma. As you note this charisma lulls the mind into an hypnotic trance in which it suspends disbelief well beyond the all too meager need for evidence that a mass public demands from candidates.

This condition allows for sweeping change that can determine a strategic shift in a societies paradigm.

If we consider the paradigm Obama subscribes to the notion of a paradigm shift of his authorship should be terrifying to all Americans, but Jews in particular.

Obama comes from the far left fringe of democratic party politics. He therefore is in close communication and sympathy with truly far left constituencies.

An essential feature of this groups paradigm is intense anti semitism,the most intense of any constituency in mainstream politics. Any left wing rally will include virulently anti Semitic and anti israel speakers sponsers and placards accepted as a matter of course.

Specifically such an approach includes a break with traditional policies based upon the uniqueness of American traditional values and power in favor of European and third world consensus views.

What these views are is best articulated by Rev Wright. I really don't think Wright was incorrect as viewing Obama as a disciple. Extrapolate the problems for Jews and Israel of a European third world leaning policy. Accomodation of radical Islam. Failure in Iraq and middle east generally. Leaving Israel to deal with a nuclear Iran alone.