Monday, July 14, 2008

korach mutiny #3

As pointed out by R Maroof, the general principle of Korach follows well known patterns- leadership seeks power by manipulating peoples desire to enjoy the benefits of success without the effort necessary because of the causal framework- Shichecha. In the case of Westerners this Shichecha expresses itself in the material realm of success, for the Jews in the Midbar the Shichecha was in the success of mind.

There is a tremendous difference however in these two kinds of Shicheha. We are well experienced with leaders strategies in manipulation of the childish shichecha of Western politics. Leaders manipulate the peoples insecurities for the benefit of their own power fantasies.

Most adults have gone through several political cycles with the attendant slogans and “visions” that guarantee material success. Because of of our principles and deep experience, we can explain the underlying motives of campaigns. Clearly, in a time of economic and military uncertainty, a leader will give feel good visions of rescue. We therefore have a clear sense of why Obama presents himself as the rock star messiah of “change” and “hope” and why Mccain presents himself as the stodgy proponent of “Reform prosperity peace”. As a young upstart politician, Obama seeks to gain power by appealing to the heady adrenalin rush of miraculous messianic “change”. As an older politician Mccain seeks to attain office through old style "father knows best" security.

In stark contrast, we are much less familiar with shichecha in the area of mind. What principle underlies such a community? If Obama and Mccain are utilizing the insecurity of our time, what insecurity did Korach see in Bnei Yisrael? What exactly is so appealing about an upstart explanation of tzitzit? What is the electric attraction of Korach's vision of clothing “made all of tcheiles” or a “world without tzizit”? To understand this we are going to have to penetrate into the mentality of tzizit so extensively described by Chazal in Menachot.

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