Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dan's Question about Keriat Shema / Tefilla

Here is Dan's Question. Any brave souls willing to help us with an answer? Note my comment in parentheses and in red.

Hi Rabbi,

I really enjoyed shiur today. I have a question. It is clear that the mindset that we are trying to achieve and that which kriat shema and tefila are aimed at is the "what am I in the universe scientifically" perspective(I would call this Cosmic zoom -comment by RS). But, I am unclear as to how they achieve this. You were explaining this point, but I did not understand.

I just want to note that I am extremely eager to understand this point. I say this because if the hype is true, and kriat shema and tefila do aid in achieving this perspective, since we do both of them every single day, the growth potential would seem to be enormous.

You could forward this to everyone if you like.


1 comment:

Dan said...


The only part of kriat shema and tefila that I see that aids in the cosmic zoom perspective are a portion of the first line of kriat shema and a portion of the second line.

The last portion of the first line, "Hashem Echad" brings to mind His absolute unity, His absolute non-materiality, and His complete independence from any other existence. This aids in cosmic zoom tremendously because He created the cosmic world and is Whom it is dependent upon to exist. So "Hashem Echad" puts the cosmic world in which we are trying to see ourselves in the true framework of His causality.

Then the reference of "Malchuso" in the next line brings to mind all of the created non-material entities, the natural law and the material world that is governed by that law. This is also extremely powerful because it aids us in focusing in on our place in the created world and focuses us away from our psychologicaly created "me" world.

These 2 ideas "Hashem Echad" and "Malchuso" are very powerful in aiding in a cosmic zoom perspective of ourselves. That being said, I have only referenced 3 words out of kriat shema. There remains the rest of kriat shema and all of tefila to be shown as an aid to cosmic zoom.